If you encounter a bubble when applying a wall sticker to a wall, don't worry, it's a common issue and can usually be easily fixed.

Here's what you can do to remove the bubble:

  1. Smooth it out with your hand: Start by using your hand to gently press down on the bubble and try to smooth it out towards the edges. Sometimes, the bubble is just an air pocket that can be pushed out.
  2. Use a squeegee or, if you don’t have one, a credit card: If the bubble persists, use a squeegee or a credit card wrapped in a soft cloth to press out the bubble. Start from the centre of the bubble and push outwards towards the edges. Apply firm but gentle pressure.
  3. Poke the bubble with a pin: If the above methods don't work, you can carefully poke the bubble with a pin or a needle. Make sure to do this gently to avoid damaging the sticker or the wall. Once the bubble is punctured, use your hand or a squeegee to press the air out.
  4. Apply heat: If the sticker is made of vinyl, applying gentle heat can help the adhesive become more pliable, making it easier to smooth out the bubble. You can use a hairdryer. Be cautious not to overheat the sticker or the wall.

Reapply the sticker: If none of the above methods work, you might need to remove the sticker and reapply it. Make sure to clean the wall surface thoroughly before reapplying the sticker to prevent bubbles from forming again.

Remember to be patient and gentle when trying to remove bubbles to avoid damaging the wall sticker or the wall itself.